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Orange County Data Storage Services

Orange County Data Center Storage Solutions

The term Disaster Recovery Plan, is known by some as DR or DLP (Data Loss Protection) is a solution either embraced by an organization or pushed under the rug much like eating right and exercising is by a large majority of the population. Disaster Recovery Plans or Data Protection Solutions are some of the most important IT solutions that any business should implement. Our data center storage solutions have an established record of success with critical data server recovery in Orance County, while also including and implementing a disaster recovery solution.   We strongly encourage all companies, big and small to safeguard valuable data against data loss.

There are many causes of data loss, such as:

  • Power Failures and Outages
  • Hardware Failures
  • Unmanaged Backups
  • Neglected Company Network Infrastructure
  • Ransomware / Cryptolocker Infections
  • Old Disaster Recovery Solutions such as Tape Backup and Single External Drive Hardware
  • Equipment Theft
  • Natural Disasters such as Fires, Floods and Earthquakes

Our Technical Team is always happy to provide network recovery solutions for clients. However, we prefer that you implement a Disaster Recovery or Data Protection Solution. Then you will be able spend that money on other company network improvements such as:

Data Security Solutions – Company Data is protected behind a firewall with programmable security features. Which will allow or block viruses or hackers from entering your network undetected through a backdoor. Orange County Computer can implement this solution for you as well as monitor and manage these services for your protection.

Data Backup Solutions – A Nightly or Weekly Backup of your company data. Which is stored in a large capacity hardware or virtual environment. This will protect against hardware failures and data loss as a primary method of backup. This will be in addition to primary backup through physical or virtual server hardware.

Disaster Prevention Solutions – A Data Storage Solution is combined with either Off-Site Backup, Redundancy or a Virtual Storage Solution such as Cloud Storage.

Dozens of manufacturers sell NAS (Network Attached Storage) and SAN (Storage Area Network) products to meet the growing needs for both data storage and data protection solutions. Most reputable companies offer small to mid market sized product options such as Drobo, Dell EquaLogic, Dell PowerVault, HP Product Line, etc., which vary in price and storage size. Orange County Computer®  works with our clients to implement the best data protection and data storage solutions that meet the needs of your company.

Contact a member of our Technical Sales Team today for more information or for an evaluation of your current Network Infrastructure at (949) 699-6619.

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