Update Your Devices!: New Apple Zero-Day Vulnerability
Earlier this month, Apple discovered a zero-day vulnerability that posed a risk to Mac and iOS devices across the board. The flaw specifically targets software – macOS and iOS systems – and the company reported that cybercriminals may have seized the opportunity to make use of the vulnerability. Read on to learn more about this […]
Continue Reading...The Resurgence of the MSP
How managed services providers are crucial to supporting hybrid work environments As we look back, our world forever changed in 2020 by the COVID-19 pandemic. Within the IT services world, it was also the year that made a significant impact on the MSP industry. Organizations and companies rapidly pivoted away from the traditional office environment […]
Continue Reading...How remote employees could compromise your network
For the last few years, many businesses have let their employees work from home to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Now, many are returning to work in either a full-time or hybrid capacity. While that may be wonderful for productivity and team culture, it may bring a downside. A new survey released by […]
Continue Reading...Can You Spot A Spoofed Email?: How To Protect Your Business From Today’s Biggest Phishing Risks
Have you ever received an email from a client you regularly communicate with, but it looks… “off”? Or perhaps you’ve received an email from a bank that you don’t hold an account with, or a company requesting that you pay an invoice for goods you never even purchased. What you’ve encountered is most likely a […]
Continue Reading...Protect Your Business From a Cyberattack!
Recent geopolitical events in Eastern Europe have sparked global warnings of pending cyberattacks. It’s critical now more than ever that consumers and businesses secure the proper data protection solutions to help mitigate against these threats. Recent threat predictions for 2022 now show that 1 of 5 small businesses will suffer a cyberattack or security breach […]
Continue Reading...The hybrid work model and why it’s here to stay
Since Spring of 2020, we at Orange County Computer have seen a huge increase in clients migrating into our Cloud. New mandatory working options were necessary either due to state mandates or individual illness. Because of that, companies needed to turn to tech solutions suited for transitioning to the hybrid work model. Hybrid workplaces existed […]
Continue Reading...Log4j Vulnerability – Am I At Risk?
Just recently, popular cloud services such as Steam and iCloud, as well as apps like Amazon and Twitter were reportedly vulnerable to attack by logging utility Log4j. As reported by Ars Technica, Minecraft was the first to discover the Log4j vulnerability. Their services warned of an actively circulating attack code that exploited the vulnerability to […]
Continue Reading...Apple Devices Targeted by Pegasus Spyware – Update to 14.8
Apple Devices Targeted by Pegasus – What? We are all vulnerable to digital spying, albeit the recommended protections have been put into place for our protections. The latest in cyber security threats is Apple devices targeted by Pegasus Spyware. Devices running iOS (iPhones, Apple Watches, iPads, Laptops) version 14.6 and lower are in jeopardy. The […]
Continue Reading...TLS 1.3 Why Your Emails Just Stopped Working
As the world moves further and further into the cloud, securing the cloud becomes increasingly important. There are an uncountable amount of security protocols which are constantly improved and reinvented to make everyone’s online presence that much safer. As new updates are welcomed, older protocols become unsupported due to discovered exploits and holes; which can […]
Continue Reading...Data Security and Two-Factor Authentication (TFA)
What is Two Factor Authentication? You may have heard the of the term Two Factor Authentication (TFA) and been using it without even knowing. This feature has been widely used for years, yet recently, due to the increased security breaches and changes in compliance, it’s mainstream use is growing. Have you ever wondered why your […]
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